Wada, Nagawamachi Town, Nagano Pref.
From Medieva Castle-Town to Stage-Town

  As in Jomon period, about 5000 years ago, the obsidian became an important trade materials, the area around Wadatoge must have gotten a key position in politics, economy and culture since ancient age. Tosando, the official road from Kyoto or Nara to the east Shinano through Oomi, Mino and Kiso, was founded at latest in Nara period, the early stage of 8th century.
  Tha fact that some official pastures bringing up military horses for Yamato Monarchy was founded in the east Shinano had a concern with its campaigns conquesting the east Japan.
  They had to get over Wadatoge between Utsukugahara and Kirigamine highlands to go from Kiso to Saku. Therefore the villages from Wada to Nagakubo or Yodakubo area must have developed as traffic key points since then.

▲A hill creeping behind Shinteiji temple is Shiroyama. Wada Castle of the Oois was on its northeast end.


  I suppose that the medieval landlord regime grew here earlier. In 14th century a branch clan of the Oois built a fortress on the hill called Shiroyama on the northwest side of the Wada. It's Wada Castle. The lord's residence was at the precincts of Shinteiji temple or the place next to it.
  In the area just under the fortress they cultiveted actively farm fields and their village as a castle-town was prospering.
  But the Oois was destroied by the Takedas in 16th century. At the begininng of 17th century Nakasendo was built under the order of Tokugawa Shogunate government when a new village was constructed in the area from Nakamachi to Shimomachi where had been outskirt of the town. It was the stage-town Wada. ⇒Article concerned

■From Kajiashi to Kosatsuba

◆Rich Farm Village◆

  Let's walk from Kajiashi to Kosatsuba, i.e. the site of the official bulletin bord.
  We can not find the trace of Masugata on Kaido road now. Is it because they had been formed long before the stage-towns of Nakasendo was built ? However there is an old path approacing to Ganoji temple and Shaguji shrine. I suppose it was the oldest way of the road, because now it turns in a right angle before it gets together tothe road.

  Walking about Kajiashi, we find out that it was growing in a deep relation with the traffic and the commercial circulation of Wada town along Nakasendo. It has been a rather rich farm village.

▲A house of Dashibari architecture

▲View in another angle

▲The house has a small Yakuimon gate. It had been greater than it is before the road was widened, I guess.

◆View Calling back Old Days◆

  Some houses of the traditional architecture are standing along the road. Though its rooves have been changed from thatched one into tiled one, they has kept enough features to call back the old days.

  The allocation their sites has kept the town-shapes ― the arangemant of houses along the road ― of those days. The condition that the town has been next to the stage-town and along Kaido road has influenced deeply the formation of a village.
  As the road has been widened often, theier gardens facing it has gotten smaller.

◆Regret about the Fading◆

  We would find some houses ruining along the road. They may have been out of life. If they had fallen down throughly it would be too expensive to rebuild them. I only hope to keep them as cultural assets telling us the history of Kaido.【see two pictures below】

▲Houses devastated

▲Out of life, but I hope them to be kept



▲View toward Kanmachi from Kosatsuba

View of Kajiashi from crossroad

Looking back the way I walked

Look down Kajiashi village from Ganoji temple

Community center of the village

Path behind it

Clean water flows on roadside

Old mud-walled warehouse

Garden and site impressing richiness

Stylish decoration of entrance with frame and wheel of cart

Old houses out of life : I like them much.

A way curving slightly on Mountain-foot

Hill rushing behind houses

View of Ooideyama's peak

What waits me over the scene ?

Information bord at Kosatuba site

Townscape of Kajiashi mixed with farm village view


Walking Map around Wada

  • Geography around WadaTown
  • Central Area of Wada

Historic Map of Wada

  • Change since Age of Medieaval Castle-town
  • Tracing the town's developmant

Map for Wadatoge Trekking

  • Map for Pass-Walking
  • Information about Historic Sites

Walking around Wada

  • Around Wadajuku Station
  • Neighborhood

Situation near Oikawa in Edo period

  • Vertical Section of Kaido
  • It was so difficult to travel

History of Nakasendo

  • Institution of Kaido and Stge-Towns
  • Shogunate Regime and Kaido System

Architecture of Town -Houses

  • Town-Houses along Nakasendo
  • Learn to enjoy town- walking


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  • 東海道や日光街道、甲州街道、北国街道との連絡を図解。


  • 信州には多くの街道が通っていた。
  • 新旧の中仙道の経路を比較できます。


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  • 中山道の旅を楽しもう。


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  • あなたも歩いてみませんか。


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  • 木曾路・奈良井散策






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